Party Poker Remove Withdrawal Fees For Players
Thursday, February 11th, 2016 at 11:35 am
Poker players who have been left unhappy about being charged a fee for withdrawing their own money will be delighted with the latest announcement from Party Poker. The site has announced that any player withdrawing funds from the site will no longer be charged a fee for doing so. This has been instigated for all withdrawal methods, including ewallets. This means that partypoker players who withdraw funds via Neteller, Skrill or Webmoney will no longer be charged a fee for this action.
This follows on from the change in 2015 when a number of free withdrawal options were set up by the site. Last year, if you withdrew winnings via your Visa card, a MasterCard or even via a bank transfer, there was no fee involved. This latest development is the natural progression of this state and it means that all Party Poker players will be able to get their hands on their winning losing cash or having to pay a fee for the privilege.
Player feedback has led to this decision
Tom Waters is the Group Head of Party Poker and he states that this development has been put in place after taking on board player feedback. Clearly the poker playing community at Party Poker have felt that a withdrawal fee is unfair, particularly after some players were able to access their funds at no cost and others weren’t. This new move brings parity across the board for Party Poker players, which is something that all poker sites should be aiming for.
In the wider scheme of things, this decision can be heralded as another important moment in the Poker For The People movement. There have been great strides taken in the past year and it can only be hoped that online poker will continue to evolve and develop in a fairer manner. The Party Poker site has made a few changes in the past 12 months and their redesigned Power Series tournament schedule has welcomed a lot more people to the site.
Quite often it is the little things that make the difference when it comes to choosing one poker site over another. If you are playing on a site that charges you to withdraw your own money after you win, you’ll find that the Party Poker online site now becomes a lot more attractive.